Robb Bindler is a director who finds the absurd and poignant in the seemingly mundane. His eye for natural detail and his comedic instincts elevate his commercial work, and were the cornerstones of his critically lauded film debut, Hands on a Hardbody. The documentary feature, which recorded an endurance contest in Texas that offered a Nissan Hardbody Truck as the prize, was a festival hit around the country, won the AFI Audience Award for Best Documentary, adapted by Robert Altman for the screen and Pulitzer Prize winning Doug Write for the stage ( with a score from Amanda Green and Phish's Trey Anastasio).
The film has also been taught for over a decade in film schools as a model for DIY documentary-filmmaking.
A native of Longview, Texas, Robb graduated New York University's Tisch School of the Arts' Film program. He has worked with top advertising agencies including Wieden & Kennedy, BBDO, DDB, Grey, McCann, Arnold, and TBWA/Chiat Day; and with iconic brands: Visa, Coke, Nokia, NFL, MLB. He's also produced content for noteable broadcasters: Discovery, Fox, MTV, CMT, Paramount, Warner Brothers.
His work has won numerous film festivals, best documentary film from AFI, ADDYs, Andys, and has been honored by the AICP/MoMA Show.